First there was the Pentagon's Iraqi Most Wanted "Deck of Death" playing cards, to help soldiers on the ground locate Iraqi leaders. Then there was the "Deck of Weasels", which replaced Iraqi officials with celebrities and others who spoke out against the invasion of Iraq. I've been looking for a liberal take on the playing cards idea, and now I've found it: the War Profiteers Card Deck.
For just $10, you too can make a donation to The Ruckus Society, "to support on-going campaigns against many of the evil-doers," which are: Amerada-Hess, American Petroleum Institute, John Ashcroft, Thorne G. Auchter, James A. Baker III, Glen A. Barton, The Bechtel Corporation, Boeing, BP, The Lord John Browne of Madingley, Daniel P. Burnham, George W. Bush, Jr., George H.W. Bush, Sr, Philip J. Carroll, Caterpillar, Inc., Red Caveney, Nicholas D. Chabraja, Richard Cheney, ChevronTexaco, Citigroup, Clear Channel, Vance D. Coffman, Philip M. Condit, George David, Ken Derr, Colonel Richard D. Downie, DynCorp, Export Credit Agencies, ExxonMobil, Jay Garner, General Dynamics, General Electric, Grace News Network, Halliburton, Jon Hemingway, The International Monetary Fund, Ray Irani, Zalmay Khalilzad, Thomas Kean, Kellogg, Brown & Root, Henry Kissinger, William Kristol, Lockheed Martin, Paul V. Lombardi, Joe Lopez, Lowry Mays, Military Professionals Resources Incorporated, Monsanto, K. Rupert Murdoch, Frank Murkowski, John Negroponte, News Corporation Ltd., Northrop Grumman, David Novak, Sam Nunn, Occidental Petroleum, David J. O'Reilly, Richard Perle, John Poindexter, Colin Powell, Project for a New American Century, Qualcomm, Thomas W. Rabaut, Lee Raymond, Raytheon, Condoleezza Rice, Tom Ridge, Donald Rumsfeld, George Schultz, General Brent Scowcroft, Shell Oil, USA, Stevedoring Services of America, Robert J. Stevens, Ronald Sugar, SY Coleman, United Defense Industries, United Technologies, Unocal, General Carl E. Vuono, Sanford Weill, Charles R. Williamson, Paul Wolfowitz, The World Bank Group, The World Trade Organization, Yum! Brands.
If you're looking for a laugh, spend some time at the Dubya Chronicles.