Welcome, Ann Coulter fans!

I'm not going to join the Ann Coulter fan club to find out who it is, but someone in the cult has linked to this site in their chat room.

I'm flattered guys, really.

I considered joining for about 10 seconds, until I read the Forum Rules:
New applicants for membership: due to the large volume of membership requests we receive, we require an ISP-based (internet service provider) e-mail address for approval, to help reduce the strain of superfluous accounts. Registrations with free email accounts (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) will be deleted. Thank you for your cooperation.

-Ann Coulter is our hostess. You may agree or disagree with her positions, but any disrespect towards Ann will be grounds for immediate removal.

-All debate must be honest and fair.

-Obscene, profane, vulgar, or threatening posts will not be tolerated.
If Ann Coulter had to abide by these rules herself, she would be looking for work as a cocktail waitress instead of spreading hate professionally.