US Soon to Follow
The good news is that support for Bush is waning in California, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area. If this is a trend, you would expect it to start here.
While national polls still show Bush riding a wave of popularity, the sharp drop in California, which has 12 percent of the nation's population, is likely to start appearing elsewhere, said Mark DiCamillo, the poll's director.
"If you're looking for cracks in support for a Republican president, you should look to California, since that's the first place they're likely to show up," he said.
The bad news is that Latinos in California generally support Bush.
Forty-seven percent of the state's Latinos believe Bush is doing a good job, compared with 35 percent who disagree. That backing for Bush could help pry Latino voters from their traditional support for Democrats in future elections.
Maybe California Latinos aren't getting the news about Bush's tax cuts for the rich or his lies about weapons of mass destructions?
Hmm... Acabo de tener una idea. (I just had an idea.)