I would like to remind you, dear TestPattern reader...
Now that the media is focusing on Bush's military "record", I would like to draw your attention to something I have posted here in the past:
See a good collection of Bush's records here: http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/document.htm I would like to draw your attention to the last document (Document 30) on this page - the orders suspending Bush's flight status in 1972. Never mind that, by his own admission, Bush has been drug-free only since 1974 (and was flying (or not) in 1972). I want to draw your attention to the name listed in paragraph 7 of this document - Major James R. Bath.
James Bath went on to become the sole U.S. representative of a certain wealthy Saudi, investing his money in U.S. energy companies.
That wealthy Saudi? - Salem bin Laden
Those U.S. energy companies? - George W. Bush's Arbusto, Bush, Spectrum 7, and Harken